《永不放弃自己》(Never Give up on yourself)

《永不放弃自己》(Never Give up on yourself)


Wang Yang, a Chinese writer who lives in the US, is a council member and the vice-secretary of the Los Angeles Chinese Writers' Association (LACWA), as well as a well-known presenter among art and cultural circles in Los Angeles. She has published five novels and was the writer for the television series Da Nan Fuqi. Wang has received an award for excellence in Chinese writing from the US Congress; In China, she has been awarded the Wujiang Literary Prize.
--美国第一任华人女市长:陈李婉若(Lily Chen);
--美国国会议员:Hilda Solis

While you may not be able to change the way you look, through practice and determination, you can transform yourself into a dazzling, captivating woman. Wang Yang's experiences are ample proof of this. Never Give Up on Yourself shows us that even a Cinderella can become a beautiful princess, and that as long as you hold on to your hope, all of your dreams can come true!
-Lily Lee Chen, first female Chinese-American mayor in the United States

I see both tenacity and strength in this fascinating woman from the East.
- Hilda Solis, former United States Secretary of Labor  

Foreword 5
Rise of the "Third Wheel" 7
My Father's Illness Made Me
Grow Up Overnight 32
From Ticket Seller to TV Presenter 79
The Slow Road to Learning 96
Abandoning Suicide for My Ill
Daughter's Sake 118
At the Age of Thirty, I Began to Soar 146
Becoming a Productive and Influential
Member of Society 169
Afterword A Useless Vase No Longer 181

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