赵玫,女,满族,毕业于南开大学中文系,天津市作家协会主席。已出版《朗园》《武则天》《高阳公主》《上官婉儿》《左岸 左岸》等中短篇、长篇小说,编剧《阮玲玉》等电视剧本,共81部,计千余万字。曾获全国首届鲁迅文学奖,第四、第五届全国少数民族文学创作奖,庄重文文学奖等。1994年应美国政府邀请赴美参加"国际访问者计划"。
As Bloody as the Setting Sun
The Shadow of the Sun in an Afternoon
A Flower Blossoming out of the Dust
The Ever - lasting Curtain Call
Beyond Her Literary Texts
Dancing in Shackles
The Ambitions of an Intelligent Woman
Eternity Interwoven with Love and Death
What Passion Means to Writing
She Refused to be a Bouquet of Untrimmed Flowers
Perishing in Solitude
Fall in Love Once, Or More Than Once
In Remembrance of Betty Friedan
The Exchange of Love
Memories Remote but Acute
Reading and the Sand - built Ancient Castle
In Search of a Different Kind of Order
Thus Speaks the Narrator
The Supremacy of Language Over Story
Why I Reject the Quotation Mark
Phrases and Short Sentences
As Transitory as Spring Flowers

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